The Five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is the most common of all rudraksha beads. This bead is governed by the planet Jupiter and acts as a remedy for Jupiter related problems in horoscope. This bead works miraculously on piles, stress, blood pressure, mental disability, diabetics, stomach disorders, obesity, constipation, digestive problems, tooth-ache, heart problems, anger management, neurotic and mal adjustment problems etc. This rudraksha bead affects all major chakra points. The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is said to control the five elements in the human body (fire, water, air, sky and Earth) and destroys the five main sins (lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego). This bead wipes off all sorts of sins that accrue from sexual intercourse with a forbidden woman and from eating forbidden food. According to Numerology this bead is best suited for number three persons. Five Face beads are commonly used as ‘Japa mala’ or rosery and gives peace of mind, happiness and spiritual inclinations to the wearer.

Dipping a couple of raw Five Face beads in water after sunset and drinking the water early morning on empty stomach is very effective in controlling blood pressure. Five Face is very effective in controlling sudden nervousness as well. One should hold a big Five Face rudraksha bead tightly on the right palm for a few minutes to find the confidence lifting up miraculously and body warming up.

The Mantra of five faced rudraksha bead is ‘Aum Hreem Namah’.

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